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 Future Alchemy

Future Alchemy is your source for esoteric and alchemical formulas, objects, and art, from around the world. Our diverse, international contact base and deep interest and research into the areas of alchemy, Indian Ayurveda, Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist medicine, Taoism and esoteric Burmese Weiksa Shamanism has enabled us to bring together a collection of truly unique materials.

To connect with Future Alchemy is to enter a living history where the body itself is the alchemical laboratory, with full illumination of the mind, complete detoxification and healing of the body, increase of prana/chi/qi flow, and total spiritual realization the goals.

At its most fundamental, the practice of alchemy is the art of transmutation. Lead into gold; filthy into pure; corruptible into perfect; ordinary, absurd, wasteful life into The Path, and confused, emotional mind into the essence of wisdom. Join us at Future Alchemy as we engage in the Great Work.

Chonyi Ling Dharma Center

Chönyi Ling is a Buddhist Dharma center focused on the Tibetan meditation practices of the Nyingma and Kagyu schools. Open to all, we offer an opportunity to connect with and refine the understanding of one’s true nature.

Rather than the complex visualizations and mantra recitation so common in Vajrayana practice, this group focuses primarily on the direct experience of the mind nature through yogic exercises and seated meditation. We also offer instruction in the various forms of Vajrayana practice for those who seek a more traditional path of practice.

Chönyi Ling is led by Joseph Wagner and Darren Fisher, sincere practitioners with more than 25 years of meditation experience each, who are fortunate to be guided by some of the greatest masters of the 20th century, including Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Adzom Paylo Rinpoche, Nangchen Adeu Rinpoche, Terton Rinpoche, Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche, Chokyi Trichen Rinpoche, HH Sakya Trizen, Chöying Dorje Lama Norsok Rinpoche, Garchen Rinpoche, Sokse Rinpoche, Tulku Rigdzin Pema, and many others.

While primarily connected with the Nyingma and Kagyu sects, we draw inspiration from all schools of Buddhism. The name Chönyi Ling is Tibetan for Taking Refuge in the Ultimate Nature. This name was bestowed on our center by Adzom Paylo Rinpoche in 2001.