In recent months we have had a few people contact us to discuss Alzheimer’s disease, hoping to use our Tibetan formulas as a primary protocol as well as in ways to support more conventional treatment options. From a Tibetan medical perspective, Alzheimer’s is related to a disturbance of the energy (rLung) which flows in one of the main energy channel of the head. Being a rLung issue, Agar 35 and Bimala can be helpful, but they are often not strong enough to be used alone, and must be combined with Western medicines to be effective. This being the case, several caregivers have reported that supplementation with Agar 35 has helped to keep the patient calm during the day when they...
Vimala (more commonly known as Bimala) is a balanced formula, the basis of which is Nutmeg, Terminalia chebulam, Boswellia serrata and Aquilaria malaccensis. Nutmeg and Boswellia serrata are warming; Terminalia Chebula and Aquilaria malaccensis are cooling, and all are used in controlling wind. In particular, the function of nutmeg is to regulate wind in the central channel and heart cakra. In addition to these four herbs, Vimala has a number of other supporting herbs which control wind and support the heart cakra. Vimala might be described as the meditator's formula of choice. Vimala is an excellent herbal support for those who are embarking in meditation retreats where vata or "rlung" disturbances are a constant issue. In addition to this, since...
Siddhi Energetics welcomes Malcolm Smith DTM on board as the resident Siddhi Energetics Doctor of Tibetan Medicine. Malcolm brings his expertise in Tibetan Medicine to Siddhi Energetics at a time when we are expanding our line of traditional Tibetan formulas. We're incredibly excited to work together! He'll be working with us to provide you articles that will help bring your life into balance and make the most of our products. As one of the first westerners to complete the traditional education of a Doctor of Tibetan Medicine at the Shang Shung Institute School of Tibetan Medicine, he'll be able to give invaluable insight on how to improve your life with Tibetan Medicine. He also completed a clinical internship at Qinghai...
by Bob Flaws, L.Ac., FNAAOM (USA), FRCHM (UK) Keywords: Tibetan medicine, Chinese medicine, Semde The Tibetan medical formula Sems-kyi bDe-skyid (Sem-kyi De-kyid or Sem-de) is meant for the treatment of anxiety, stress, irritability, lack of concentration, mental dullness, and various other mental disorders and its name simply translates a “mental happiness” or “happiness of the mind.” In Tibetan medicine, this formula is indicated for the treatment of all sorts of lung (rLung) disorders. In terms of Chinese medicine, the Tibetan concept of lung or wind is analogous to qi. It is the motivating force within the body which promotes movement, metabolism, transformation, and change. Similar to Chinese qi diseases, lung diseases are due to counterflow of one or more of the...
Meditation, traditional Hatha Yoga and esoteric martial arts all emphasize the importance of keeping the body’s supply of sexual energy full. For men, this specifically means not losing semen and quickly replenishing it when it is lost. One reason for this is that the sexual energy is especially concentrated in the seminal fluid of the male. Jing Builder can be used to increase the volume and potency of seminal fluid and thereby to increase the energy associated with this powerful source of power and vitality, often in a dramatic way. Here we will discuss the use of Jing Builder in these traditions. Hatha Yoga’s traditional source texts go into great detail about the importance of keeping the male sexual fluids...